<aside> 🧬 Scientifically, pigeons and doves are all part of the Columbidae family and are extremely close relatives. Occasionally you will even see the two words used interchangeably; a rock pigeon, the common city pigeon, is also called a rock dove! However, in the CPC Discord and all the related guides (like this one) the usage is more specific. Pigeon refers to rock pigeons and their close relatives. Dove refers specifically to ringneck doves, mourning doves, diamond doves, and other closely related species.


Among pet pigeon owners there are people who enjoy the company of doves (see above for usage) who can also be very cute, affectionate, and goofy roommates! If you are considering getting a dove, you may be wondering what the differences are—and whether you will be able to apply the same guides and manuals that people have written for pigeons. This brief page has you covered on both fronts!

Key Differences

This (non-exhaustive) list of differences between companion pigeons and doves was written from experience taking care of ringneck doves, but should also be applicable for other closely related dove species.


Housing and Care

Pigeon Guide Applicability

<aside> 🐦 If you’re feeling lost or unsure about any particular guide and its applicability—or have specific questions about your dove—the CPC Discord has quite a few active dove owners who may be able to answer!


While most of the guides have been written with pigeons in mind (and there is generally more experience with pigeon ownership than dove ownership), a lot of them will apply to doves—although you have to be very careful.

Pigeon guides that will typically apply to both pigeons and doves (with specific caveats):