<aside> 🐦 Before choosing your very first pigeon, you should be very confident that pigeons in general are good pets for you and your household.Are Pigeons a Good Pet for You? is a helpful guide on that subject.


Congratulations: you’ve decided to get a pigeon! Pigeons can make wonderful pets, and this guide will help you understand how to increase the chances of finding your ideal companion. There are many considerations to take into account when choosing your bird—from gender to breed to where to actually find one—but after going through this guide, you should have good understanding of what your ideal pigeon is like.

Keep in mind that, when it comes to your pigeon’s desired personality, increasing the odds is the best you can do. Rescues can be unpredictable, and even “fancy” pigeons are mostly not bred for behaviors like cats or dogs, so nobody can ever guarantee that your new companion will have the temperament that you want. Your household, environment, and behavior will also affect the bird greatly, so while you can influence the odds, you are still getting a unique, unpredictable, one-of-a-kind living being. Even if you make all the “right” choices, your pigeon may end up behaving very differently from what you expected—but as long as you acknowledge and accept that, you will have a very rewarding and special relationship with your bird. ❤️

Choosing a Pigeon


There are so many pigeon breeds out there! We couldn’t possibly cover them all in this guide—nor do we aim to—so we encourage you to do your own research and choose the one you like. It’s as simple as that, really. Obviously, a lot will depend on what the breeders and rescues in your area actually have, so a good first step would be to check their listings and go from there!

As previously mentioned, domesticated pigeons were always primarily bred for looks and utility rather than behaviors. Breeds vary in temperament, and a good companion breeder will be able to give you specific recommendations, but there are no specific breeds that do or don’t make good pets; all pigeon breeds can be great companions, and you’re free to pick the one you like! Your bird’s gender, upbringing, and its unique personality will also influence its behavior to a very large degree.

The cost of upkeep and the upfront cost of the cage and supplies do not vary with breed too much either (although it may vary depending on the size of the bird), so you don’t have to factor that into your decision.

Still, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:


<aside> 🐦 Indoor companion pigeons will typically live up to 10–15 years given proper care and no predator risk, similar to house cats.


When you’re getting a pigeon from a rescue or a breeder, be aware that depending on their age and maturity, your bird will go through different life stages while in your care, and you should be prepared for it. That may influence your decision on whether to get a young bird from a breeder or seek out an adult.