Finding a good grit mix is important. While even the most basic grit mixes would contain calcium, calcium alone is not enough. Pigeons require many more ingredients to remain healthy, especially indoor birds and birds that aren’t getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals from other means, like their feed or a vitamin mix (note that mixes should be used carefully: you don’t want to overdose).

There are two types of grit typically available in pet stores, and they serve two distinct purposes:

  1. Insoluble grit helps birds break down their food, as they don’t have teeth (therefore can’t break food down like mammals can) and some birds don’t hull their seeds before eating them. Insoluble grit can contain granite, pebbles, or even sand. Pigeons, especially home pigeons, do not need insoluble grit: with the right diet, it’s close to being functionally useless.
  2. Soluble grit is a very important supplement: it provides calcium, vitamins, and minerals that are important for your bird’s health and well-being. A good soluble grit mix is absolutely essential for your pigeon companion unless you have a different source of all the vitamins and minerals it provides.

<aside> ❗ There is a lot of confusion around grit: you may encounter articles telling you that home pigeons do not actually need grit or even articles claiming that grit somehow hurts them. Pigeons do not need insoluble grit (tiny pebbles helping digestion); however, soluble grit mixes are a source of calcium, vitamins, and minerals and they keep pigeons healthy. You should have a good grit mix available to your pigeons at all times. All diet and wellbeing guides here assume you are providing grit.


Recommended Grits

<aside> 🐦 These are just a few well-known good examples. If you can find an equivalent or something close (use the Key Ingredients section as aid), that’s great!


Non-Recommended Grits

Key Ingredients

<aside> 🐦 Much of this is very simplified, and if you understand how these chemicals work, consider doing your own research into their full functions.


Versele-Laga All-in-One ingredients

Versele-Laga All-in-One ingredients